A Model to Reject Relativity!

Let’s see if we can establish a common ground of understanding by analyzing a landmark experiment that is almost a century old, a crucial part of modern navigational technology, but without anything like common agreement in theory .. the Sagnac eXperiment.(SagnacX).

From this analysis will arise a conceptual model, proven by natural testing, that rejects relativity and points to a familiar absolute frame for measuring motion and a universal background as the arena in which all events occur - the EM aether.

Navigation Guide

Start with the Background reading section (left column).

In the topics section, the Fizeau and Sagnac experiments then provide motivation for the ALFA model and Consequences .

Tests supporting and extending ALFA predictions are the Michelson-Morely, Michelson-Gale, Foucault, Aether motion, and Galaev tests.

Claims to refute ALFA are covered by the Aberration, Airy and Parallax topics.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Aether motion test

Aether motion testing
OWLS vs. TWLS     One Way Light Speed  vs.  Two Way Light Speed
We use the model of aetherists 150 years ago…. A boat (photon) moving in a river(moving aether)   or a plane in air currents simulates the interaction of photons and aether moving at speed v.    

A boat (# 2 above) can move at speed c in still water, so it moves downstream  at c + v and upstream at c – v.
Measurement of the roundtrip speed  along A-C-A  (TWLS) and assuming that only the speed can be measured (as in the M&MX) will not detect the aether speed  v, since (c + v)/2 + (c – v)/2  = c . Only an OWLS test will detect v.
Conclusion: All TWLS tests of light speed in parallel aether flows are worthless and claims of isotropy of c with high precision lasers are bogus.

Boat #1 heads straight across. The diagram as drawn is incorrect, as the boat would be deflected to the right(downstream) while crossing.   The diagram does show what to expect if the effect of the moving medium(water/aether) is ignored.

Above diagram at top shows how to head upstream in the water/aether  current to move straight across at a reduced speed of   c(1-v2/c2)1/2 , using the Pythagorean theorem.
The bottom shows the correct motion of #2 ; it predicts an observed stellar aberration angle as arc sin( v/c).   The value of v depends on the westward daily aether motion, the annual N-S motion of the ecliptic aether , and the elliptic  motion of the Sun around the Earth and the stars around the Sun.  See below

The speed of photons perpendicular to the aether current is   (c2 –v2)1/2 = c (1 –v2/c2)1/2.
It’s this change in c of order (v2/c2)  - due to the aether cross-current – that Michelson and Morely sought to measure.  
The aberration of light in a moving medium  was demonstrated by Jones in 1971
R V Jones 1971 J. Phys. A: Gen. Phys. 4 L1
The transverse 'Fresnel ether drag' experienced when light passes through a refracting medium moving at right angles to the original direction of the light, and confirmed indirectly by Airy's water- filled telescope experiment, has been observed directly. A change in rotation speed from 600 to 1800 rpm of a glass disc produced a transverse displacement of about 1.5*10-6 mm in a light beam passing twice through the disc. This agrees with the Fresnel formula to within the 10% accuracy of the experiment.

Longitudinal drag (above left) occurs when light passes parallel ( c+v) or antiparallel(c-v).
Transverse drag ( above right)  entrains the photons sideways at an angle = arc sin(v/c) .

The dashed line is the light path through the glass at rest into detector D . The solid line is the path with rotation omega .


This is the angular shift Jones saw when the glass disk’s speed was increased by 1200 rpm. 

Conclusion:   Stellar aberration is caused by the dragging of light by the transverse motion of aether rotation around the Earth.